Wilkes Business Link-Leads Group: The purpose of the WBL is to provide opportunities for members to connect with other businesses, share best business practices, and Generate Referrals. In summary the mission is to help each other prosper. This group meets weekly in the chamber boardroom on Tuesdays from 8:30am-9:15am.
Please email Terrian Carter for more information at tcarter@wilkesnc.org
Click Here for the By Laws
PLEASE JOIN US: Your attendance matters
Check out the dates to see when you will be presenting next
If this date doesn't work for you, switch with someone else
Email Terrian Carter for any question
Click Here for the By Laws
10 Minute Presenter
25th Matt Campbell- Elevate Chiropractor and Performance Therapy
10 Minute Presenter
2nd NO Meeting
9th Meet at Dom Bakeries- One on One
16th Callie Walker Stone- Callie Walker Stone, REALTOR eXp Realty
23rd Kim Anderson-NCWorks Career Center
30th Morgan Price- The Medicare & Health Insurance Market
Work on you 60 Second Elevator Speech
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM EDT
Wilkes Chamber of Commerce
717 Main Street
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
This Event is FREE
Terrian Carter-Membership Director
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.wilkeschamber.com/ – Contact the Wilkes Chamber of Commerce for more information.
717 Main Street, N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659 – (336) 838-8662 – cmeredith@wilkesnc.org