Wilkes County Christmas Parade
2025 Wilkes County Christmas Parade
Theme TBD
Saturday - December 6, 2025 @ 3:00 p.m.
Parade check-in begins @11am:
Located at the Corner of CBD Loop and Ninth Street.
Parade Route:
Main Street North Wilkesboro, turn on 10 th St.,
left on D Street, left on CBD Loop, right on Wilkesboro Ave.
Cross over bridge, right on Main Street in Wilkesboro.
Parade concludes at Curtis Bridge Rd in Wilkesboro.
Official Parade Entry Form (Entry Deadline: Wednesday, November 26, 2025)
Parade Entry Information Name of Individual/Group: ______________________________________________________________
Entry Category (circle only one): Float Band Vehicle Walking Queen/King Animal Other_________
Total length of entire entry (needed for parade lineup spacing): _________________________________
Describe what will be included in your entry (vehicles, trailers, etc.): _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Approximately how many people will be included in your entry during the actual parade? __________
Will your entry feature music (taped, vocal or instrumental)?
Circle one: Yes No *Would like to be judged:
Entry Contact Information Type of Organization (circle one): School Non-Profit Community Group Business/Commercial Queen/King or Other: _______________________________________________
Contact Person(s): _____________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
City: ____________________Zip: _________
Telephone: Home__________________ Work ______________________ Cell _____________________
Fax: ______________________________Email: ______________________________________________
Note: There is an entry fee of $50 for each Business/Commercial vehicle entry, $5.00 for each personal vehicle and horse entries. School, non-profit, and community groups require no entry fee. The parade is a family oriented event and groups may be refused entry at the discretion of parade organizers. Awards and Judging *Floats (non-profit and commercial) will be judged to receive the following awards: Best of Theme Award, Grand Marshal’s Award, Mayor’s Award, and Chairman’s Award. Entries interested in being judged are to indicate on the application above. Judging will be based on the design and decoration of the entry. Judges include Grand Marshal, Mayors of North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro, Chairman of the Wilkes Chamber, and the Best of Theme (opinions of all judges combined). Recipients of the awards will receive a banner indicating the award they received. Banner is to be displayed on the float during the parade. General Release Agreement In consideration for being accepted as a participant, we irrevocably grant the parade organizers and sponsors the exclusive right to use in any media our name, likeness, photos, or reproduction of our performance for any purpose including promotion, advertising or otherwise. With these rights, we hereby release the parade committee, sponsors, and its agents from any claims, liabilities and/or damages that may now or in the future arise by reason of such use. Further, we acknowledge that we are aware of the risks associated with participation in this parade and, therefore, on our behalf and that of our heirs, do hereby release the parade organizers, sponsors, and towns and its agents from any and all claims, liabilities and/or damages on account of any personal injury or property damage which may occur from any cause before, during or after the 2025 Wilkes County Christmas Parade. DO NOT THROW CANDY for the safety of parade attendees.
Signature_______________________________________________________ Date_________________
Where Do I Send My Parade Entry Form? Mail, fax or deliver completed application form (along with entry fee if applicable) to: Wilkes Chamber of Commerce 717 Main Street P. O. Box 727 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Telephone: 336-838-8662 or Fax: 336-838-3728
*Make all checks payable to Wilkes Chamber of Commerce.
Please make sure the application is complete, all in
Date and Time
Saturday Dec 6, 2025
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST
Contact Information
Wilkes Chamber of Commerce 336-838-8662